

OK so we're trying this again. Or should I say, I am trying this again. Ah, growing up and owning up. This is my second attempt at starting up this blog. Despite my mom's persistent requests for pictures and stories, I couldn't get this thing up in running. After a long and strenuous battle to set this thing up IN SPANISH, I still couldn't frequent it enough. I could blame it on the annoyingly intermittent internet situation in Spain but a more appropriate blame can be placed on my reflex to go run and play in the Rio in Valencia rather than wait four hours for pictures to upload. SO I deleted the previous posts in an effort to clean slate.

And on to new adventures...
After five glorious months of running around Europe, lucky little ol' me gets to run around Africa for two months this summer. I have an slight feeling the two trips will differ... just a tad? I have mentioned to my mom a few times in the two weeks I have been home, that I am currently in a state of transition: from total "me" time to total "them" time (whatever that means... we shall find out!) And I couldn't be more thankful for it. Europe was AMAZING and self-indulging in every eye-opening, academic, expensive, fun, delicious, playful sense of the word. I learned so much and I'm sure my experience in Africa will only make me more thankful for having been able to have it. 

As for my future "jaunt" (not quite so sure if the blog's name is any longer on-par with the meaning behind my volunteer trip but I guess the shoe could fit if I shove it in there) -- I am first and foremost thankful to my family for putting up with my coming and going and all the requests for help in between. Secondly and very importantly, Bob Iger, for making this trip possible for me. This opportunity is just one more reason I consider enrolling at Ithaca College the best decision I ever made. Thank you Mr. Iger, the Simmons family and everyone in Park, especially Dean Lynch and Melissa Gattine for their support.

And I can't forget all the WONDERFUL people in Delmar, New York who donated everything from school supplies to deflated soccer balls to send down to Uganda with me. I hope to return the favor with plenty of photographed moments of these items being put to good use.

Much Love to all, and expect the upcoming posts to include more detail on my actual trip in Uganda -- as I will be there! June 25 - Aug. 11. No promises of any better internet connection than Spain - probably worse - BUT I have learned my lesson from the disappointed faces back at home whom are just simply curious to my where-abouts and whos-abouts. So I will do my best to keep in touch through this.

For more information on my program, here are some websites if interested:

3 comentarios:

Lauren dijo...

Hello my dear Jenny Foo Foo- love and smooches- I just wanted to sign your blog. Love you and I'm sure you'll be in touch when you can. Mom

Lorri dijo...

We love your blog - keep up the good work! We are learning so much from your travels. We'll be thinking of you. Love and hugs, Lorri, Gregory and Christopher

Christopher dijo...

Hi Jenny,
It's Christopher. That picture of you with the baby with your sunglasses was pretty funny! Keep sending pictures. We miss you.