
A quick hello

So I haven't made it too far yet... Garden City to be exact. We're in the city/Long Island for the weekend until our flight leaves Sunday night for Dubai! We spend a night there - and from what I hear, there we get a hotel and free food! YAY! Then we're off to our destination for the following two months: Mbale, Uganda.

I've met our group: 8 girls, 1 boy. (poor kid...or not? haha) They're great. We're all ready to adventure, ready to explore, ready to help, see, listen, build, blah blah blah. No decisive plans on what our one-week travel experience will include butttt we're thinking safari, white-water rafting, waterfall climbing, etc. I'm realllly looking forward to that trip! For now, we're focusing on our goal: to build a house, start to finish, while we are there. THINK WE CAN DO IT?!?!

Haha, I hope so. We shall see... stay tuned for more updates. I won't have internet access in the compound we are living in, but I will be able to go into town sometimes and use it. So I'll make sure to make updates here when I do. Thats when the pictures will come... the good stuff. :)

1 comentario:

Erica dijo...

When I went to Israel, there were nine girls and one guy. It ended up being hilarious ... he had 9 big sisters. Which he learned to love/hate.